mile of 47.40   ...miles of golden sands.
  mile from 29.16   A mile from where you chatter,
  mile to 16.92   African children run miles to school.
  mile in 7.83   Just walk a mile in his shoe.
  mile down 5.92   Now, a few miles down the road.
  mile around 5.07   The process can create a terrible odor for miles around.
  mile for 4.94   People travel hundreds of miles for this.
  mile on 4.74   About forty miles on it.
  mile off 4.02   A mile off the highway.
  mile per 3.29   Your speed was so many miles per hour.
  mile a 3.16   Mile a minute.
  mile up 3.16   Smokers can go a couple miles up the road.
  mile across 2.50   Here the silver river is miles across.
  mile after 2.44   Mile after tranquil mile.
  mile with 1.91   Earn miles with everything you charge.
  mile an 1.78   M twenty five, sixty miles an hour.
  mile through 1.65   The road winds for miles through parched earth, scrub and cactus.
  mile as 1.51   NOx can travel hundreds of miles as a gas.
  mile at 1.51   Pretend you just went the extra mile at work.
  mile along 1.45   Farmland stretches for miles along the flat terrain.
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