migrant worker 29.95   The strawberries are picked by migrant workers.
  migrant farm 3.29   We rely on migrant farm workers to pick the crop.
  migrant laborer 2.30   His parents were migrant laborers.
  migrant labor 1.71   Near cities, they turn to migrant labor.
  migrant smuggler 1.12   Others have called him a migrant smuggler.
  migrant family 0.92   But she said if the law is changed, it may present a hardship for many migrant families.
  migrant community 0.86   Australia is home to a large Croatian migrant community.
  migrant smuggling 0.79   Migrant smuggling has become big business.
  migrant camp 0.72   A migrant camp will be set up on the base golf course.
  migrant death 0.72   The number of migrant deaths typically increases during the hot summer months.
  migrant labourer 0.72   The problem is exacerbated in major cities which have witnessed a massive influx of migrant labourers.
  migrant child 0.59   Since Indians can travel to Nepal without passports, migrant child laborers are easy to import.
  migrant labour 0.59   Many farms rely on migrant labour.
  migrant population 0.59   Counting the migrant population is among the most daunting tasks.
  migrant woman 0.53   Migrant women accounted for more than half the prostitutes arrested.
  migrant bird 0.46   Migrant birds shelter in the reeds.
  migrant group 0.46   Its decision disappointed migrant groups but brought joy to employers.
  migrant parent 0.33   She started with just nine children, but was soon besieged by other migrant parents.
  migrant farmer 0.26   The state is a virtual free zone for coca growers, and it attracts thousands of migrant farmers.
  migrant flow 0.26   Will fewer jobs shut down the migrant flow?
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