mighty river 1.58   This mighty river.
  mighty swing 1.18   One mighty swing ended the famine.
  mighty force 0.99   What a mighty force.
  mighty oak 0.79   Standing in awe under mighty oaks.
  mighty mark 0.66   But ditching the mighty mark is not a popular idea among Germans.
  mighty blow 0.53   But this latest clash could deal them a mighty blow.
  mighty army 0.46   The barbarians faced a mighty army.
  mighty effort 0.46   He figures he has one mighty effort left in him.
  mighty one 0.46   September has become a struggle for the mighty ones.
  mighty dollar 0.39   It all adds up to a mighty dollar and a bull move in bonds.
  mighty mite 0.39   Mighty mites.
  mighty power 0.39   What mighty power these men have!
  mighty roar 0.33   And, said Tutu, a mighty roar went up.
  mighty struggle 0.33   Thursday, Dornan suggested he will wage a mighty struggle to try restore those virtues in American society.
  mighty empire 0.26   The mighty empire boasts other impressive numbers.
  mighty fall 0.26   It also set the defense up for a mighty fall.
  mighty lineup 0.26   A mighty lineup.
  mighty nation 0.26   He has brought a mighty nation to its knees.
  mighty neighbor 0.26   Its economy is one-fifteenth as large as that of its mighty neighbor, the United States.
  mighty team 0.26   Will the mighty teams fall?
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