metropolitan area 69.26   Some workers can only afford homes outside metropolitan areas.
  metropolitan region 6.91   In the New York metropolitan region it was rain.
  metropolitan police 4.94   Metropolitan police director will become deputy chairman.
  metropolitan government 3.42   The metropolitan government ordered it to halt its operations in July.
  metropolitan market 1.78   But few other metropolitan markets are quite as prosperous as Boston.
  metropolitan editor 1.32   Wenger has been named deputy metropolitan editor.
  metropolitan newspaper 1.25   The ANZ job ads series measures the number of job ads in daily metropolitan newspapers.
  metropolitan city 1.05   Jakarta is a metropolitan city.
  metropolitan magistrate 0.72   Dhaka metropolitan magistrate A.T.M. Shamsul Haq made the order at a heavily guarded hearing.
  metropolitan center 0.59   He is currently being held in a metropolitan correctional center.
  metropolitan daily 0.59   Articles appeared in major magazines and metropolitan dailies.
  metropolitan airport 0.53   The day after a major plane crash always sends chills through a busy metropolitan airport.
  metropolitan stock 0.46   New York metropolitan stocks fell in step with the broader U.S. stock market.
  metropolitan life 0.39   Houses were organized to function around this unifying fact of metropolitan life.
  metropolitan district 0.33   Strategic planning guidance exists in all the metropolitan districts, including Tyne and Wear.
  metropolitan economy 0.33   Cities disproportionately house assets on which their metropolitan economies particularly depend.
  metropolitan sprawl 0.33   Less than ten miles separate it from the metropolitan sprawl around Tel Aviv.
  metropolitan county 0.26   It was used to justify the introduction of the poll tax and to justify breaking up metropolitan counties.
  metropolitan hospital 0.26   Meet Dr. Butz, the natty, Scotch-swilling chief resident at a major metropolitan hospital.
  metropolitan network 0.26   These metropolitan networks are often seen as the communications equivalent of congested highway on-ramps and off-ramps.
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