mention name 26.99   He mentioned a name.
  mention possibility 8.43   Both mentioned the possibility of surgery.
  mention issue 4.81   Bush did not mention the issue.
  mention casualty 4.28   He mentioned no casualties.
  mention plan 2.96   But he did not mention a plan.
  mention problem 2.63   Nobody mentioned any problems.
  mention country 2.37   He did not mention any countries.
  mention fact 2.30   But they fear even mentioning the fact.
  mention date 2.17   No date was mentioned.
  mention idea 1.91   She mentioned the idea to her children.
  mention attack 1.78   He mentioned the attack on Bartleman.
  mention case 1.78   Kong did not mention their case.
  mention figure 1.78   He mentioned no figures.
  mention incident 1.78   He did not mention the incident.
  mention need 1.71   He also mentioned the need for access to suspects.
  mention subject 1.65   I mentioned the subject again.
  mention money 1.58   Money was not mentioned.
  mention abortion 1.45   She did not mention abortion.
  mention candidate 1.18   She did not mention specific candidates.
  mention group 1.18   No other professional groups were mentioned.
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