medicinal purpose 4.34   Medicinal purposes, you know.
  medicinal use 4.28   Pot has a long history of medicinal use.
  medicinal herb 4.15   Medicinal herbs?
  medicinal plant 3.55   ...medicinal plants.
  medicinal property 2.90   Garlic is believed to have medicinal properties.
  medicinal value 1.97   Others had no medicinal value at all.
  medicinal marijuana 1.78   Legalize medicinal marijuana use?
  medicinal quality 0.72   You must trust in the medicinal qualities of boudin.
  medicinal treatment 0.59   Meanwhile, doctors decided to continue a course of medicinal treatment.
  medicinal benefit 0.53   And it warns that the act which protects rare plants with medicinal benefits is in jeopardy.
  medicinal chemistry 0.53   Carol Post, an associate professor of medicinal chemistry at Purdue, works with Fred on a research project.
  medicinal power 0.33   Who knew Kidd had medicinal powers as well?
  medicinal product 0.33   US officials maintained that Al Shifa produced no medicinal products.
  medicinal tea 0.33   He mixes insecticides from the same herbs he uses as medicinal teas and poultices.
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