mechanism be 16.46   This mechanism was the superego.
  mechanism work 1.51   The mechanism still works.
  mechanism allow 0.92   We also need a mechanism to allow for our development.
  mechanism involve 0.79   This mechanism involves vitamin D.
  mechanism exist 0.72   No mechanism exists for an executive pardon.
  mechanism fail 0.72   In January, the vessel was damaged when a locking mechanism failed while at sea.
  mechanism have 0.72   The two mechanisms have to work in sync.
  mechanism remain 0.59   However, many question over the effectiveness of Market mechanisms remain.
  mechanism come 0.53   Steering mechanisms also come in several forms.
  mechanism operate 0.53   Or both mechanisms could be operating together, he said.
  mechanism seem 0.53   A neural mechanism seems, by contrast, to be feasible.
  mechanism give 0.46   Developing countries wanted a new mechanism likely to give them more control.
  mechanism ensure 0.39   No single control mechanism can ensure efficiency.
  mechanism make 0.39   One mechanism makes it possible to lock photos.
  mechanism appear 0.33   However, different mechanisms appear to be involved in these two acid-base disorders.
  mechanism function 0.33   However, the bomb did not explode because, police suggested, its mechanism was not functioning.
  mechanism help 0.33   Homeostatic control mechanisms help the body maintain a constant internal environment despite external changes.
  mechanism include 0.33   These mechanisms could include counselling sessions, suggestion boxes and welfare meetings.
  mechanism let 0.33   Opponents say such a mechanism would let Washington avoid its pollution-cutting obligations.
  mechanism prevent 0.33   In theory, the mechanism should also prevent anyone launching the missiles accidentally.
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