meatpacker have 0.53   With stronger demand for beef, traders expect meatpackers will have to boost bids to secure animals.
  meatpacker pay 0.53   That lowered prices paid by meatpackers in the cash market.
  meatpacker boost 0.46   Hog futures fell as meatpackers boosted slaughter rates to accommodate a backlog of animals being brought to market.
  meatpacker buy 0.39   Meatpackers bought supplies as wholesale beef prices surged.
  meatpacker slaughter 0.39   In addition to low stockpiles, meatpackers are slaughtering fewer hogs this year.
  meatpacker be 0.33   Still, meatpackers are currently well-supplied.
  meatpacker bid 0.33   Meatpackers bid about a half cent a pound more for live hogs today, traders said.
  meatpacker reduce 0.33   That caused meatpackers to reduce their slaughter rates, leaving less supply on the market.
  meatpacker lower 0.26   The ample supplies allow meatpackers to lower bids, traders said.
  meatpacker raise 0.26   Hog futures fell as meatpackers raised slaughter rates in anticipation of increased demand, boosting pork supplies.
  meatpacker say 0.26   Meatpackers say low prices are due to a glut of meat on the market.
  meatpacker take 0.26   Hogs rose, rebounding from a six-month low, as meatpackers took advantage of low prices to restock.
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