maternal grandmother 4.15   Her maternal grandmother was one of them.
  maternal mortality 3.36   Sets targets to reduce maternal mortality.
  maternal grandfather 3.23   Her maternal grandfather was Mayor of Karachi.
  maternal grandparent 2.50   They are staying with their maternal grandparents.
  maternal instinct 1.97   Maternal instinct.
  maternal death 1.91   Nor has he had a maternal death.
  maternal health 1.05   Doctors are concerned about the effects of the drug on maternal health.
  maternal aunt 0.59   They are in the temporary custody of their maternal aunt.
  maternal love 0.59   The tension is also primal, she said, a standoff between maternal love and romantic love.
  maternal relative 0.59   Maternal relatives are needed for DNA tracing, which is expensive.
  maternal transmission 0.53   For example, we have more information these days on maternal transmission....
  maternal behavior 0.39   Still, it is a big leap to predict human maternal behavior from a pride of rats.
  maternal figure 0.39   The biggest threat to gender equality, unfortunately, shows up worst in most maternal figures.
  maternal uncle 0.39   It then became known that their maternal uncle was also affected.
  maternal bond 0.26   The maternal bond had been cut with the umbilical cord - at birth.
  maternal cell 0.26   Sure enough, they found maternal cells.
  maternal depression 0.26   New medical research is finding links between the hormone oxytocin and maternal depression.
  maternal line 0.26   The Ashantis trace kinship through the maternal line.
  maternal nutrition 0.26   Heart disease is one of the clearest results of poor maternal nutrition.
  maternal smoking 0.26   Maternal smoking can damage the unborn child.
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