match be 74.85   Is the match on Sky?
  match end 8.82   The match ends Monday.
  match go 8.56   The match is still going on.
  match begin 5.53   The match begins.
  match have 4.61   A match had yet to be found.
  match start 3.62   But then, the match starts.
  match resume 3.55   Match resumes Friday.
  match continue 3.29   Match will continue Sunday.
  match take 3.29   This match took a toll.
  match turn 3.23   Then the match turned.
  match come 2.50   The matches came out flaming.
  match feature 2.44   Neither match featured a try.
  match pit 2.11   Another key round-robin match pits Cuba against Brazil.
  match last 1.91   How long does a match last?
  match seem 1.65   The match seems ideal.
  match break_out 1.58   A golf match broke out.
  match finish 1.45   The match finished on Centre Court.
  match mark 1.18   Fernandez says that match marked a turnaround in her career.
  match remain 1.18   Three matches remain.
  match erupt 1.12   Occasionally, shouting matches erupt over stupid things.
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