mastermind attack 6.58   Asahara is charged with masterminding the attack.
  mastermind bombing 2.17   Prosecutors have accused Yousef of masterminding the bombing.
  mastermind killing 1.97   Pradit allegedly masterminded the killing.
  mastermind plot 1.71   They are accused of masterminding the plot.
  mastermind murder 1.65   Salinas was convicted of masterminding the murder early last year.
  mastermind assassination 1.51   Salinas is currently in prison, charged with masterminding the assassination.
  mastermind abduction 1.25   In his last court appearance, Omar admitted to masterminding the abduction of Pearl.
  mastermind massacre 1.12   He is accused of helping mastermind the massacre of Tutsis.
  mastermind series 0.99   Chauke is accused of masterminding a series of attacks on armored cars.
  mastermind riot 0.92   The government says the riots were masterminded by communists.
  mastermind kidnapping 0.86   Saeed is accused of masterminding the kidnapping.
  mastermind campaign 0.66   Israel accuses him of masterminding a campaign of terror against Jews.
  mastermind coup 0.66   Suharto accused the communist party of having masterminded the coup.
  mastermind crime 0.66   Prosecutors alleged Mustaf masterminded the crime and paid Wooten to kill Hayes.
  mastermind atrocity 0.46   Both have been indicted twice for genocide for masterminding atrocities by rebel Serbs during the war.
  mastermind operation 0.46   Sakik masterminded PKK operations inside Turkey.
  mastermind violence 0.46   India accuses Pakistani intelligence services of masterminding violence.
  mastermind scheme 0.39   Did you mastermind a scheme to sabotage our election?
  mastermind string 0.39   He is suspected of masterminding a string of anti-Israeli attacks.
  mastermind wave 0.39   France on Tuesday had issued an international arrest warrant for Abdelkader Benouis, alleging he masterminded a wave of bombings in France over the past three months.
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