master art 8.95   Master the art of reciprocity.
  master skill 2.11   Mastering new skills helps her do this.
  master technique 1.84   Buechner clearly has mastered this technique.
  master basic 1.32   Master the basics before advancing.
  master language 1.18   It took him several years to master the language.
  master technology 1.05   That is why they master new technology so quickly.
  master intricacy 0.86   Mastering the intricacies of the sport is more complex than that.
  master craft 0.72   In the meantime, Burns is mastering his craft nicely.
  master task 0.66   His victories are mastering simple tasks.
  master subject 0.59   Master your subject.
  master computer 0.53   He has mastered the computer.
  master game 0.53   Master the math, master the game.
  master complexity 0.46   He seems never to have mastered the complexities of bel canto fioritura.
  master condition 0.46   The Germans mastered the conditions best in the first half.
  master detail 0.46   Few besides those directly affected have ever heard of it, much less mastered its details.
  master nuance 0.46   She has a record of doing her homework and mastering the nuances of policy debate.
  master lesson 0.39   One group that seems to have mastered this lesson is the Japanese-Americans.
  master system 0.39   But Alexis has mastered the system as well as any American ever has.
  master trick 0.39   Bowden mastered that trick long ago.
  master champion 0.33   Masters champion Vijay Singh was also in their group.
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