master class 7.11   Master classes are fun.
  master craftsman 2.50   ...a master craftsman.
  master list 2.37   Ben held up the master list.
  master chef 2.11   Suddenly, Amanda is a master chef.
  master tape 1.97   He does not have the stolen master tape.
  master suite 1.84   Expanded master suites.
  master copy 1.78   Master copies are stored in an off-site vault.
  master motivator 1.65   Billick is the master motivator.
  master stroke 1.65   What a master stroke.
  master teacher 1.65   These would be master teachers.
  master manipulator 1.45   Barry is a master manipulator.
  master bath 1.38   He and his wife hid in the master bath.
  master strategist 1.25   She would be the master strategist, she decided.
  master cell 1.12   Embryonic stem cells are the master cells for development.
  master storyteller 1.12   Good stories cannot be hurried, the master storyteller says.
  master gardener 0.99   Both Miles and Patsy are master gardeners.
  master builder 0.92   As in master builder.
  master tactician 0.92   Slobodan Milosevic is a master tactician.
  master politician 0.86   Only a master politician can.
  master switch 0.86   The phones were dead until Leese flipped the master switch.
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