married couple 38.84   Even any other married couple...
  married woman 15.34   Helen was a married woman.
  married man 14.09   He is a married man.
  married life 6.91   I love married life.
  married people 4.08   Why are married people taxed more?
  married father 2.24   Eggert is a married father of four.
  married name 2.04   Cheng is her married name.
  married priest 1.58   At present, married priests are not allowed to perform the sacraments.
  married daughter 1.51   He had two married daughters.
  married mother 1.32   Most were born to a married mother and father who later split up.
  married son 0.99   Their married son lives in Reston, Va.
  married employee 0.79   The measure requires firms doing business with the city to provide the same benefits to workers with domestic partners as to married employees.
  married lover 0.79   There is the freezing apartment, the married lover, the newborn named Pearl.
  married friend 0.72   She said she felt like an alien among her married friends.
  married student 0.72   She majored in English at Berkeley, and after graduation, married fellow student Earll Kingston.
  married clergy 0.46   A key sticking point has been the refusal of the Vatican to countenance married clergy.
  married sister 0.46   Her married sister had been paralysed in a road accident.
  married counterpart 0.39   Ms. Thompson believes that suburban single women are distrusted by their married counterparts.
  married neighbor 0.39   As an eligible bachelor he had a crush on a married neighbor.
  married one 0.39   But fewer single older people are bragging about sex than married ones.
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