manufacture be 3.82   Manufacturing is the engine of growth.
  manufacture continue 1.05   But manufacturing continued to lose jobs.
  manufacture slow 0.86   The last NAPM report indicated that manufacturing was slowing.
  manufacture show 0.72   Along with housing, manufacturing is showing strength.
  manufacture expand 0.53   The report suggested that manufacturing was expanding at a slower pace.
  manufacture grow 0.39   Manufacturing grows for second month in a row ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS.
  manufacture remain 0.33   For now, manufacturing remains vibrant.
  manufacture contract 0.26   A report earlier this month from the National Association of Purchasing Management also suggested that manufacturing contracted in August.
  manufacture pick_up 0.26   Demand should increase for energy commodities and industrial metals if manufacturing picks up around the world.
  manufacture shift 0.26   But production of less sophisticated components shrank as manufacturing shifted offshore.
  manufacture suffer 0.26   Manufacturing has suffered significantly over the last few years.
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