mainframe computer 11.72   Q. Is a mainframe computer the same thing as a supercomputer?
  mainframe system 1.32   In the past, most large events used mainframe systems to handle such tasks.
  mainframe sale 0.66   Earnings were boosted by strong mainframe sales.
  mainframe software 0.66   It also writes mainframe software.
  mainframe business 0.59   Hitachi was going to put IBM out of the mainframe business.
  mainframe company 0.33   Amdahl, the mainframe computer company, has been shifting its focus to software and services.
  mainframe market 0.33   The mainframe market is actually growing, Potts said.
  mainframe user 0.33   Farmington Hills, Michigan-based Compuware develops software products for mainframe computer users.
  mainframe application 0.26   Midland Bank, another Micro Control user, is only now migrating away from mainframe applications.
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