main road 92.63   On the main road.
  main opposition 92.43   It is the main political opposition party in Jordan.
  main reason 74.92   There are two main reasons.
  main street 46.41   The main street, you know?
  main party 36.47   The U.S. has two main political parties.
  main problem 32.46   Birds are the main problem.
  main source 29.76   Farming is his main source of income.
  main concern 29.23   Hardaway is the main concern.
  main issue 25.21   The children were the main issue.
  main highway 25.15   They stopped at a bar in a town off the main highway.
  main rival 24.95   All recent polls place Walesa far behind his main rivals.
  main course 24.42   Deer was the main course.
  main character 23.17   Even the main character.
  main group 22.71   All three finished in the main group.
  main goal 21.33   His main goal?
  main entrance 20.54   Main entrance on Bridge Street.
  main thing 20.21   That was the main thing.
  main cause 19.42   Water is the main cause of emergency.
  main focus 19.22   Our main focus is job creation.
  main event 18.76   Finally, the main event.
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