mail letter 9.61   The mail just arrived.
  mail check 3.82   -- Mail a check to Washington.
  mail ballot 2.17   They mail the ballots back.
  mail package 1.91   I mailed both packages together.
  mail card 1.32   Cards are mailed on time.
  mail form 1.32   Will forms be mailed to us?
  mail bomb 1.18   Al-Hayat executives said the London bomb had been mailed from Alexandria.
  mail copy 1.12   Reed said he did not know how many copies had been mailed.
  mail notice 1.12   More notices will be mailed to every recipient.
  mail application 1.05   Concepcion had mailed his application too early.
  mail material 0.86   He is then alleged to have mailed anti-abortion material to them.
  mail fraud 0.79   He is charged with conspiracy to commit arson and mail fraud.
  mail ticket 0.79   Tickets are mailed to customers.
  mail information 0.72   Mailed information.
  mail brochure 0.66   He mailed his brochures.
  mail report 0.66   The report will be mailed to you.
  mail one 0.59   Mail this one in.
  mail questionnaire 0.59   Each mailed the questionnaire to the institute that morning.
  mail anthrax 0.53   Anthrax could be mailed to us.
  mail document 0.53   Last year, he mailed the documents to French journalists.
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