magnetic strip 3.55   ...her magnetic strip ID card.
  magnetic stripe 1.38   The magnetic stripe on credit cards is standardized.
  magnetic personality 0.86   It was a perfect chance for his magnetic personality to shine.
  magnetic medium 0.66   The computer-controlled telescope stores these images on magnetic media.
  magnetic stimulation 0.66   So magnetic stimulation can create electrical fields in the brain.
  magnetic storage 0.59   MRAM chips will use conventional silicon mechanisms for reading and writing to the magnetic storage.
  magnetic property 0.53   Lodestones, rocks with strong magnetic properties, were the agents of choice then.
  magnetic attraction 0.46   The GTS has an almost magnetic attraction to the motoring public.
  magnetic layer 0.46   A junction consists of two magnetic layers separated by an insulator.
  magnetic material 0.46   He also initiated the first neutron diffraction investigations of magnetic materials.
  magnetic pull 0.46   And its magnetic pull brings people here from all corners of the country.
  magnetic pulse 0.46   They will start by temporarily paralyzing parts of his brain with localized magnetic pulses.
  magnetic therapy 0.46   Magnetic therapy.
  magnetic appeal 0.39   Then there is his magnetic appeal, which is quantifiable.
  magnetic device 0.39   Magnetic devices in the pad generate the sensations.
  magnetic dominance 0.39   As ferrous metals cool from a melt, they record the magnetic dominance of that moment.
  magnetic form 0.39   This specification is delivered in magnetic form along with the issue.
  magnetic presence 0.39   He makes his entrance halfway through the show like a magnetic presence at a low-key party.
  magnetic anomaly 0.33   Is my driveway built over some sort of magnetic anomaly that makes the oil shift?
  magnetic energy 0.33   The foursome have a rare magnetic energy.
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