lyric soprano 1.58   Twenty years ago, Ms. Ewing was a beguiling lyric soprano.
  lyric poetry 0.92   There are no special deictic terms or elements to be found in lyric poetry.
  lyric tenor 0.86   He has a sweet lyric tenor voice and good musical instincts.
  lyric poem 0.53   The relation between these elements and terms, and the lyric poem, is then discussed.
  lyric writing 0.53   And lyric writing is a rest from both of them.
  lyric voice 0.46   The handsome young tenor brought his attractive lyric voice to the role.
  lyric sheet 0.39   Zimet said he did not own the lyric sheet.
  lyric mezzo 0.33   A true lyric mezzo blooms around F or F-sharp.
  lyric generator 0.26   For the most part there are two types of lyric generators.
  lyric role 0.26   The tenor may sing lyric roles or heroic ones, but there is always something to be wrestled with, a territory to be struggled over.
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