luminous eye 0.72   Admiration shone in her luminous eyes.
  luminous image 0.33   Visitors seemed spellbound before the large luminous images of Jesus, the Apostles and archangels.
  luminous career 0.26   She has built a luminous career with quiet but firm authority.
  luminous color 0.26   Their luminous colors suggest semiprecious gems lurking in some complex geological fantasy.
  luminous glow 0.26   In the evening they can take on a luminous glow and fill the air with perfume.
  luminous matter 0.26   Most of the luminous matter in the universe is in the form of stars.
  luminous performance 0.26   As Cammermeyer, Close delivers a luminous performance.
  luminous portrayal 0.26   Cate Blanchett gives a luminous portrayal and Geoffrey Rush gives her sturdy support as court politics and intrigues swirl about.
  luminous quality 0.26   Many of the scenes have a luminous quality to them.
  luminous skin 0.26   But I had no idea that it was as if I had grown this luminous green skin that everyone could see except me.
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