lowering rate 0.66   Other investors say the Fed may be finished lowering rates for now.
  lowering tax 0.66   But the measure puts Republicans on the spot politically, since so many of them are committed to lowering taxes.
  lowering cost 0.59   To spur growth, companies have been lowering costs to consumers.
  lowering cholesterol 0.33   But generally, studies have shown that lowering cholesterol can lower risk.
  lowering price 0.33   State Farm, Allstate and others lured customers by lowering prices.
  lowering tariff 0.33   Associate membership involves lowering tariffs with the Mercosur countries.
  lowering tension 0.33   Albright said lowering tensions between the two sides had top U.S. priority.
  lowering trade 0.33   Turkey and the EU recently signed a pact with the union lowering trade barriers.
  lowering cloud 0.26   ...on a day when the sun is fighting a losing battle against the lowering clouds.
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