low pressure 95.46   For low pressures, the torr is often used.
  low price 72.48   Another may be low prices.
  low level 64.19   Low levels of organisms were found.
  low inflation 57.47   It is a good settlement in an area of low inflation.
  low rate 45.36   And even that is taxed at very low rates.
  low heat 37.39   Cook on low heat.
  low cloud 33.31   Visibility was bad due to low cloud.
  low point 23.50   Is this the low point?
  low unemployment 23.17   A robust economy with low unemployment is one key factor.
  low turnout 22.38   A low turnout?
  low wage 22.05   I now work part-time at low wages.
  low pay 15.40   Low pay was a common beef.
  low score 15.14   The low score wins.
  low speed 14.48   Beat in eggs on low speed.
  low income 13.76   Low family income is no excuse.
  low end 12.64   If it is not, add shims on the low end.
  low post 12.31   All in the low post.
  low cost 12.05   The combination is high impact, low cost.
  low temperature 11.78   Lead fuses at quite a low temperature.
  low shot 11.32   His low shot went wide.
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