lottery be 5.13   But the lottery is real.
  lottery choose 1.65   The winners were chosen by lottery.
  lottery pick 1.12   A future lottery pick?
  lottery determine 0.86   Seating is determined by lottery.
  lottery have 0.72   A lottery had to be held.
  lottery do 0.53   Today, the lotteries do it.
  lottery select 0.53   Students were selected by lottery.
  lottery operate 0.33   The Texas state lottery operates out of a nondescript office building in Austin.
  lottery assign 0.26   Demand quickly outstripped supply, and vouchers were assigned by lottery.
  lottery distribute 0.26   The tickets were distributed by lottery.
  lottery go 0.26   I mean, the lottery will go only so far.
  lottery make 0.26   Even so, a lottery could make people more cheerful about paying.
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