longstanding dispute 6.71   Greece and Turkey have many longstanding disputes over the Aegean Sea.
  longstanding policy 4.48   Its longstanding policy has been to seek the elimination of Israel.
  longstanding relationship 3.03   Weizman has a longstanding relationship with Mubarak.
  longstanding problem 2.63   But the Dagenham plant has had longstanding problems.
  longstanding tradition 2.50   Poor children are a longstanding tradition in America.
  longstanding tie 2.30   Montesinos had longstanding ties to the CIA.
  longstanding practice 2.11   The decision was a break with longstanding Pentagon practice.
  longstanding opposition 2.04   The attack galvanized longstanding opposition to the U.S. military presence.
  longstanding ban 1.65   The U.S. has a longstanding ban on oil imports from Iran.
  longstanding demand 1.51   A unified Ireland is a longstanding Republican demand.
  longstanding position 1.38   That has been a longstanding Arab position.
  longstanding complaint 1.32   One longstanding Iraqi complaint is that there are too many American and British monitors.
  longstanding difference 1.32   There are longstanding differences between Washington and London over the war in Bosnia.
  longstanding feud 1.32   Milbury, who has a longstanding feud with Samuelsson, was still angry about the incident.
  longstanding interest 1.32   The elder John Loeb had a longstanding interest in politics.
  longstanding rivalry 1.12   Longstanding rivalries have developed through meaningful head-to-head Ryder Cup competitions.
  longstanding tension 1.12   The traditional rivals began efforts last year to ease longstanding tension.
  longstanding rule 1.05   TV networks had asked the Supreme Court to set aside its longstanding rule forbidding cameras.
  longstanding debate 0.99   It is not our province to resolve this longstanding debate.
  longstanding ally 0.92   Australia is a longstanding ally of the United States.
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