lone gunman 9.15   He was shot by a lone gunman.
  lone goal 6.12   That is now the lone goal.
  lone survivor 3.69   He was the lone survivor.
  lone woman 3.03   At the luxurious Camino Real, a lone woman floated in the pool.
  lone dissenter 2.76   Britain is lone dissenter.
  lone vote 2.57   Sen. George Allen, R-Va., was the lone vote.
  lone voice 2.50   Zucker is not a lone voice.
  lone figure 2.17   A lone figure was standing at the bus stop.
  lone exception 1.91   The lone exception?
  lone man 1.84   Here a lone young man.
  lone holdout 1.78   But a lone holdout remained.
  lone striker 1.78   Paul Wilkinson operated as a lone striker, with Slaven in a midfield role.
  lone victory 1.65   Rosie Jones has the lone American victory.
  lone run 1.58   The N.L. scored its lone run just after Martinez left the game.
  lone bogey 1.45   That was her lone bogey of the day.
  lone member 1.18   Palffy, a right winger, is the lone healthy member of the top line.
  lone parent 1.12   Two-thirds of lone parents are on benefit.
  lone loss 1.05   The lone loss?
  lone player 1.05   Harrington is the lone player within six shots of Woods.
  lone ranger 0.99   I am not a lone ranger.
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