logistical support 22.25   New Zealand has provided logistical support.
  logistical problem 14.75   Logistical problems also abound.
  logistical nightmare 5.53   It is a logistical nightmare.
  logistical challenge 2.63   Management and logistical challenges.
  logistical difficulty 2.57   North Korea cited logistical difficulties.
  logistical reason 2.17   There were prudent logistical reasons for moving the game as well.
  logistical help 2.04   It was not clear if this meant troop or logistical help.
  logistical detail 0.99   The logistical details could be worked out.
  logistical base 0.92   Part of the British contingent is located in a logistical base in Split.
  logistical issue 0.86   For now, Pentagon planners are working on logistical issues.
  logistical arrangement 0.66   Marulanda said that was too soon to make the security and logistical arrangements for the meeting.
  logistical assistance 0.66   Jordan has denounced Syrian links with Iran, which is accused of giving logistical assistance to radical groups.
  logistical preparation 0.66   In logistical preparation, follow advice for families.
  logistical headache 0.59   This is a major logistical headache.
  logistical task 0.59   And the massive logistical task of moving grain, meat and fuel is well behind schedule.
  logistical aid 0.53   She also asked for assurances that the sculpture would be well taken care of and requested some logistical aid.
  logistical question 0.53   Then there are the logistical questions.
  logistical obstacle 0.46   Even in Germany, the logistical obstacles are formidable.
  logistical unit 0.46   India, Brazil and Pakistan offered logistical units.
  logistical delay 0.39   Voters in Benin turned up in droves Sunday to elect their next president in a poll marred by considerable logistical delays.
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