log company 2.90   Many of them are used by logging companies.
  log operation 1.58   Many of the remainder are subject to logging operations.
  log road 1.51   Most of the state highways in Albania look like abandoned logging roads in Montana.
  log hour 1.18   How many hours has he logged?
  log time 1.12   Less profitable customers may log some time on hold.
  log mile 0.86   I logged more miles than anybody and it paid off.
  log concession 0.72   He is alleged to have dishonestly induced On to deliver the money by claiming that he could obtain logging concessions for him in Ulu Langat.
  log scandal 0.72   Heads continue to roll in the wake of the Salween logging scandal.
  log right 0.66   West Fraser is the only company with logging rights in the Kitlope.
  log activity 0.59   A simple yardstick of logging activity in East Texas is the number of trucks on the roads carrying logs.
  log camp 0.59   North Korea has for years run logging camps in Siberia under an arrangement set up with the former Soviet Union.
  log job 0.59   And as the number of logging jobs has fallen, the average wage here has risen.
  log practice 0.59   Environmental protests over logging practices have become more frequent in the past decade.
  log area 0.53   The rains began early this week and hit heavily logged mountain areas.
  log call 0.53   Alfred failed to log the call.
  log hundred 0.53   The attorney has allegedly logged hundreds of performances.
  log lot 0.53   She logs a lot of miles.
  log thousand 0.53   Truck drivers log thousands of miles every week.
  log equipment 0.46   They had saved animals, destroyed logging equipment, blocked up chemical waste pipes.
  log forest 0.46   State governments in turn license companies to log state forests.
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