lofty goal 5.27   Lofty goals?
  lofty expectation 3.09   The lofty expectations?
  lofty price 1.91   But these lofty prices leave no room for mistakes.
  lofty standard 1.65   But Pettitte set a lofty standard.
  lofty ideal 1.32   Lofty ideals?
  lofty level 1.32   By any measure, stock funds are at a lofty level, Lipper said.
  lofty ambition 1.05   Lofty ambitions you might say.
  lofty status 1.05   Is Brack ready for such lofty status?
  lofty perch 0.99   Surprisingly, Boston has fallen from its lofty perch at home.
  lofty height 0.86   From such lofty heights, perhaps all he could do was fall.
  lofty position 0.72   And women in New England have achieved some lofty positions.
  lofty rhetoric 0.72   But behind the smiles, handshakes and lofty rhetoric will remain a deep rift.
  lofty place 0.59   She also has friends in lofty places.
  lofty promise 0.53   The information superhighway may yet rise to its lofty promise.
  lofty valuation 0.53   With their lofty valuations, tech stocks were vulnerable to a major correction.
  lofty idea 0.46   Fox has some other lofty ideas.
  lofty motive 0.39   Not everyone has such lofty motives.
  lofty principle 0.39   Turning such lofty principles into a real agreement will be a complex task.
  lofty tower 0.39   The church has lofty western towers, also a tall nave and choir.
  lofty aim 0.33   Despite its lofty aims, the plan had opponents in Washington.
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