loft apartment 1.65   Fannie and Laura share a tiny loft apartment.
  loft space 1.05   It was a loft space, converted into a three-bedroom apartment.
  loft building 0.86   Not every loft building is a cauldron of contention.
  loft conversion 0.79   Greg starts fantasising about a loft conversion.
  loft bed 0.53   At first, Dr. Joyce planned just a simple room with a loft bed.
  loft tenant 0.53   Pataki acknowledged Wednesday that the loft tenants might suffer because of his choice.
  loft dweller 0.39   If the law expires, thousands of loft dwellers would be exposed to eviction proceedings.
  loft law 0.39   Throughout the day, Pataki and Democrats contended that the other side should be blamed if the loft law expired.
  loft insulation 0.33   Allow the fluid to dry before laying the loft insulation.
  loft downtown 0.26   Q. I live in a loft downtown, and I would like to strip the paint off the brick walls.
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