lodge complaint 22.58   The workers lodged their complaints.
  lodge protest 16.13   Giuliani lodged no protest.
  lodge appeal 10.53   He has lodged an appeal.
  lodge report 5.00   Her father also lodged a report.
  lodge charge 3.36   No charges have been lodged.
  lodge claim 2.24   Do not rush off and try to lodge a claim by phone.
  lodge bullet 2.11   The bullet was lodged in his spine.
  lodge objection 1.97   No objection was lodged.
  lodge application 1.18   Have they all lodged prior applications?
  lodge request 1.18   France and Switzerland also have lodged extradition requests.
  lodge case 0.79   A case was lodged with Sadar thana.
  lodge suit 0.53   The suit was lodged there because Zamperla is based in Parsippany, Grossman said.
  lodge accusation 0.39   Faal said Crystal Waters lodged the accusation to get money from her husband.
  lodge allegation 0.39   The hearing began with testimony from two disguised witnesses who lodged allegations against the FAA.
  lodge petition 0.39   Its first emergency petition was lodged early on Wednesday night with the clerk of the court.
  lodge lawsuit 0.33   In fact, six lawsuits have been lodged against The Enquirer recently.
  lodge bid 0.26   Denmark and Spain are expected to lodge bids despite having no history of top level rugby union in their countries.
  lodge challenge 0.26   He suggested that Canada, after consulting other trading partners, might lodge a challenge in an international court.
  lodge notice 0.26   It gave farmers a month to lodge appeal notices.
  lodge number 0.26   The organization has lodged a number of similar suits.
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