lobby government 6.91   As a nonprofit group, his organization does not lobby government.
  lobby member 5.53   Iraq also has been lobbying council members.
  lobby lawmaker 4.74   They planned to begin lobbying state lawmakers Tuesday.
  lobby official 2.50   And Rani has lobbied state officials for a medical clinic.
  lobby legislator 2.30   And Rowland called on people to lobby their legislators.
  lobby leader 1.97   Pataki was also in his offices in the Capitol, lobbying both leaders.
  lobby campaign 1.32   Labor is waging a multimillion-dollar media and grassroots lobbying campaign against the bill.
  lobby state 1.25   James similarly lobbied states individually to break from the group.
  lobby firm 1.12   He now works for a Washington lobbying firm.
  lobby group 1.12   According to lobby groups the official figures are often misleadingly low.
  lobby senator 1.05   Bush lobbied wavering senators by telephone.
  lobby effort 0.92   They form the moral core of the human-services lobbying effort.
  lobby support 0.92   The ballot came after determined efforts to lobby support for him.
  lobby country 0.86   He said industrialized countries should be lobbied to meet the global problem.
  lobby colleague 0.79   It was DeLay who lobbied colleagues not to settle for censure, but to go for impeachment.
  lobby legislature 0.79   They were told to lobby the legislature.
  lobby president 0.79   Some organizations have already begun lobbying the president directly.
  lobby agency 0.72   In recent weeks the agency has been lobbied heavily on the matter.
  lobby delegate 0.66   The NGO women say they need to be able to travel to the U.N. conference to lobby delegates.
  lobby administration 0.59   Britain has been lobbying the administration to exempt Scottish cashmere from the list.
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