lobby have 2.70   That every Vinnie from Queens would lobby to have a show.
  lobby keep 1.65   McCain lobbies to keep Cuban boy in U.S.
  lobby get 0.92   Large media companies have been lobbying to get the cap lifted.
  lobby change 0.79   American is lobbying to change those regulations.
  lobby make 0.53   Now that same group is lobbying to make sure he dies.
  lobby block 0.46   Established residents lobbied to block expansions and renovations.
  lobby bring 0.39   He previously lobbied to bring the stadium to Tempe.
  lobby include 0.39   Nicklaus later lobbied to include all of Europe in the matches.
  lobby join 0.39   Romania and Bulgaria also have actively lobbied to join NATO.
  lobby save 0.39   But defenders are already lobbying to save the programs.
  lobby remove 0.26   Longtime Clinton foe Jim Parsons, who has lobbied to remove the signs, said his nagging finally paid off.
  lobby restore 0.26   City College Chancellor Phillip Day plans to lobby to restore that funding.
  lobby win 0.26   In Seoul, Kim said he would step up lobbying to win extra support.
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