living condition 42.20   Living conditions here are rugged.
  living quarter 15.93   My living quarters are small.
  living thing 14.75   But a currency is a living thing.
  living expense 9.61   Living expenses took most of it.
  living organism 8.56   A living human organism dies.
  living creature 7.31   A pet is a living creature.
  living cell 6.65   Every living cell has a nucleus.
  living area 6.45   The living area faces Jackson Park.
  living arrangement 6.06   So much for the living arrangements.
  living memory 5.53   It was the worst storm in living memory.
  living proof 5.33   Guertin is living proof.
  living cost 4.94   Moderate housing and living costs.
  living trust 4.02   A living trust may do little.
  living legend 3.88   What is a living legend?
  living donor 3.36   Usually, living donors are related to the patient.
  living life 3.03   I was busy living life.
  living person 3.03   Not one living person figures in these pictures.
  living relative 3.03   He had no living relatives.
  living composer 2.76   Nor has he reached out sufficiently to living composers.
  living history 2.63   He was living history.
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