lira be 2.96   The lira is Italy.
  lira fall 2.24   The lira fell in London.
  lira rise 0.99   The lira rose against the mark.
  lira lose 0.79   The lira has lost about a third of its value.
  lira remain 0.79   But the lira remained fragile.
  lira continue 0.53   The lira continued to plunge.
  lira firm 0.53   The lira firmed thanks to a rise on the Italian bond market, analysts said.
  lira suffer 0.53   The lira suffered from tensions within the ruling coalition government.
  lira plunge 0.46   The Turkish lira he earned plunged in value against the dollar.
  lira rejoin 0.46   Traders are expecting the lira to rejoin the European Monetary System this weekend.
  lira gain 0.39   The Italian lira has gained on predictions that Dini may survive.
  lira rally 0.39   Lira rallies.
  lira hit 0.33   The lira has hit record lows against the German mark this week.
  lira make 0.33   A cheaper lira would make Italian products more attractive to buyers.
  lira slip 0.33   Later the lira slipped.
  lira weaken 0.33   But the lira weakened on new worries about the duration of the Dini government.
  lira hold 0.26   The lira held steady against the mark after reaching an all-time low Tuesday.
  lira re-enter 0.26   Also fueling hopes for entry, French Finance Minister Jean Arthuis said the lira should re-enter ERM as soon as possible.
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