lighten load 4.48   The pale ash veneer lightens the load.
  lighten mood 2.17   It lightened their mood.
  lighten burden 1.97   It lightens burdens.
  lighten thing 0.66   Let me lighten things up again.
  lighten atmosphere 0.59   I smile at her to lighten the atmosphere.
  lighten sentence 0.53   On Monday, a court lightened that sentence to one year.
  lighten hair 0.46   In her later years, Bove, a brunette, began lightening her hair.
  lighten skin 0.39   Many use creams to lighten their skin.
  lighten wallet 0.39   But even the typical event will lighten your wallet.
  lighten plane 0.33   Pilots would dump fuel to lighten the plane for an emergency landing.
  lighten tone 0.33   I said to lighten the tone.
  lighten color 0.26   Her skin color was also lightened.
  lighten heart 0.26   Happiness which still lightens my heart.
  lighten holding 0.26   Even so, Dewandeleer cautions that investors lightening their holdings now may be missing out on later gains.
  lighten payroll 0.26   Nationally, early retirement incentives have substantially lightened college payrolls.
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