levy tax 8.56   They levied a tax on imports.
  levy fine 6.98   The FEC can only levy fines.
  levy fee 2.17   A few institutions do not levy a fee.
  levy penalty 2.11   When the agency finds violations, it levies civil penalties.
  levy sanction 1.91   The agency can levy sanctions if there are too many violations.
  levy charge 1.84   The charge will be levied from next March.
  levy tariff 0.92   They ultimately hope to get punitive tariffs levied on Canadian softwood lumber imports.
  levy surcharge 0.72   Both companies levy a surcharge.
  levy duty 0.66   In addition, import duties were levied on wines.
  levy toll 0.46   The companies will have the right to levy tolls.
  levy suspension 0.39   However, that is sufficient for the IAAF to levy a suspension.
  levy rate 0.33   Secondly, it prohibited local authorities from levying supplementary rates.
  levy assessment 0.26   If prices fell below the level set by a special commission, milk processors were levied an assessment to make up the difference.
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