lessen chance 4.94   That will lessen its chances of passing.
  lessen risk 4.61   We invest broadly to lessen the risk.
  lessen impact 4.41   A playoff lessens the impact of those games.
  lessen dependence 2.17   Coffee, he hopes, can lessen his dependence on donors.
  lessen need 2.17   Normal attrition will lessen the need to fire workers.
  lessen likelihood 1.91   A childproofed house lessens the likelihood of accidents.
  lessen pressure 1.91   The advent of synthesizers has done little to lessen the pressure.
  lessen tension 1.84   These are steps to lessen the tensions.
  lessen burden 1.65   Other schools should look to end or lessen loan burdens.
  lessen effect 1.65   But a closer look lessens the effect of those numbers.
  lessen danger 1.45   The danger is lessened, though, by proper training.
  lessen reliance 1.45   But instead of trying to lessen its reliance on tourism, Mexico is moving the other way.
  lessen demand 1.32   That lessened the demand for yen by global investors.
  lessen threat 1.32   That lessens the threat of inflation, but threatens profits.
  lessen concern 1.18   That move has lessened the concerns of Ackerman and his colleagues.
  lessen pain 1.18   Lessen their pain.
  lessen possibility 1.12   Later on, over time, diesel engines lessened this possibility.
  lessen damage 0.79   But new drugs can lessen the damage.
  lessen amount 0.66   Smoke particles entering the chamber block or dim this beam, lessening the amount of light reaching the detector.
  lessen competition 0.66   The government contends that this dual governance lessens competition.
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