legislator say 23.44   New Mexico legislators said no.
  legislator be 17.91   Legislators are not.
  legislator have 5.73   Sadler said legislators already have.
  legislator call 5.07   Some legislators called for his resignation.
  legislator vote 4.94   Nine legislators did not vote.
  legislator want 4.54   The legislators wanted fast action.
  legislator accuse 3.42   Legislators accuse civil servants of mismanagement.
  legislator pass 2.90   If legislators passed a law, they would take the heat.
  legislator take 2.57   Legislators took note.
  legislator agree 2.50   Many legislators agreed.
  legislator approve 2.50   Legislators approved Jiang Chunyun as a vice chairman of the body.
  legislator consider 2.24   Oregon legislators are now considering a similar bill.
  legislator try 2.24   Termed-out legislators might try to return.
  legislator make 2.11   The rebel legislators made no immediate response.
  legislator urge 2.11   Some legislators have urged the government to expel them.
  legislator demand 2.04   Legislators demanded an independent investigation.
  legislator reject 1.97   Legislators rejected that version on Thursday.
  legislator threaten 1.91   Legislators had threatened to hold up debate because of the scandal.
  legislator argue 1.84   Some legislators argued that the flag is racially divisive.
  legislator begin 1.65   Legislators began introducing bills for the new session Monday.
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