left out 2.30   I feel so left out sometimes.
  left out_of 1.71   I felt left out of the loop.
  left in 1.45   He was left in the street bleeding and unconscious.
  left on 1.45   Nabi turned left on a rutted gravel road.
  left into 1.32   Webb went left into the bunker.
  left behind 1.25   I feel so left behind.
  left for 1.25   That leaves nothing left for sex.
  left of 1.18   I wrote the date at the far left of the blackboard.
  left to 1.18   Go left to the corner of Bere Wood.
  left with 0.86   Gordon is turning left with similar dominance.
  left at 0.79   Then you turn left at the next street.
  left onto 0.66   Turn right onto Eagle and left onto Locust.
  left by 0.59   They swept out human excrement left by passersby.
  left after 0.33   Inevitably, she got sick and left just after the Cleveland opening.
  left without 0.33   But when reporters asked why, he got furious and left without answering.
  left down 0.26   A little further on she turned left down a quiet lane and pulled up outside two large gates in the centre of high walls.
  left toward 0.26   Play had stopped and Churla was looking left toward the goal when Grimson delivered the blow.
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