leadership be 25.48   Is this leadership?
  leadership have 4.87   Leadership has many faces.
  leadership say 4.81   The House leadership said millions.
  leadership take 2.44   So far the leadership has not taken a position.
  leadership meet 2.30   The Socialist Party leadership met behind closed doors Sunday.
  leadership make 2.24   Only strong, decisive leadership made it all possible.
  leadership decide 1.97   Why did the Soviet leadership Decide to send him?
  leadership try 1.97   The party leadership tried its best to discount Morales.
  leadership want 1.91   The Republican leadership wants delay in order to bury it.
  leadership condemn 1.84   The Palestinian leadership condemned the shooting.
  leadership refuse 1.78   The leadership has thus far refused.
  leadership come 1.58   Leadership came later.
  leadership deny 1.38   The BJP leadership denied their claim.
  leadership oppose 1.38   The Republican leadership opposes the order.
  leadership call 1.32   The OSCE leadership called on Belarus Tuesday to do three things.
  leadership remain 1.32   But the right-wing Israeli leadership remained defiant.
  leadership change 1.25   Leadership changes every eight months.
  leadership go 1.25   Leadership has never gone out of fashion.
  leadership seem 1.25   Leadership seemed a matter of chance.
  leadership announce 1.18   The congress is a forum where the national leadership announces policy.
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