lead way 70.70   He led the way to the lift.
  lead team 69.26   Jordan led his team to victory.
  lead decline 40.09   Banks led the decline.
  lead league 34.89   He leads the league in saves.
  lead group 32.65   Jackson led the group in prayer.
  lead delegation 26.79   Londen leads the delegation.
  lead country 25.54   Could a Ryan lead his country?
  lead nation 25.02   Both figures led the nation.
  lead charge 23.04   IBM led the charge.
  lead effort 22.71   Germany is leading efforts to clamp down.
  lead market 22.51   Banks led the market.
  lead advance 20.80   Banks led the advance.
  lead life 18.63   I lead two lives.
  lead fight 16.46   Consequently, France must lead the fight.
  lead gain 14.42   Banks led gains.
  lead investigation 13.03   Who is leading the investigation?
  lead police 12.57   Harris led police to the handkerchief.
  lead pack 11.92   Krieg leads the pack.
  lead decliner 11.65   Banks led decliners.
  lead gainer 11.65   Banks led gainers.
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