launch in 63.00   It was launched in Britain last September.
  launch from 28.64   It would be launched from the shuttle.
  launch on 15.01   Clinton has launched us on a new exploration.
  launch against 7.37   Impeachment attempt launched against Pinochet.
  launch with 6.39   Launched with hope and good intentions.
  launch for 6.06   A search was launched for the arsonist.
  launch after 4.15   The operation was launched after the accident Wednesday.
  launch as 2.44   But he credits Africa with truly launching him as a coach.
  launch over 2.30   I should sell him a missile or two to launch over Florida.
  launch to 1.91   The dates are for launching to splashdown.
  launch before 1.84   Both were to have been launched before April.
  launch under 1.58   The Demio, the first car launched under him, is a hit.
  launch without 1.58   The probe was launched without imposing dumping tariffs.
  launch by 1.51   The site should launch by the end of March.
  launch of 1.51   Launch of first Scuds against Riyadh.
  launch during 1.45   The securities issues will be launched during this period.
  launch aboard 1.18   The Wake Shield is launched aboard the shuttle.
  launch off 1.05   He absolutely launched it off the first tee.
  launch within 1.05   The service is expected to be launched within a year.
  launch near 0.99   A new attack was launched near Matejce.
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