last year 3.03   Second to Tanui here last year.
  last week 2.63   Might last a week.
  last month 2.04   Until he saw Bill Tuttle last month.
  last season 1.51   AS Roma finished runners-up to Juventus last season.
  last more 0.79   Scientists had expected the research mission to last two more years.
  last game 0.59   He lasted one game.
  last day 0.39   Strikes are commonplace in France, but they usually last a day and target one sector.
  last lifetime 0.33   Brand habits formed young could last a lifetime.
  last weekend 0.33   Yet already last weekend, jazz was performed alongside music from Brittany and Siberia.
  last night 0.26   His stint as an Upper East Side bouncer lasted one night.
  last spring 0.26   So when Congress approved federal tax cuts last spring, it indirectly pushed down state tax rates.
  last winter 0.26   Chang said he never trained harder in an off season than he did last winter.
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