lash part 1.05   Torrential rains lashed parts of the main island of Java last week.
  lash area 0.99   Torrential downpours lashed the area.
  lash single 0.86   Soriano lashed a single to right, and Reggie Sanders threw home.
  lash city 0.79   Heavy rain lashing the city could mean more slippages.
  lash rain 0.72   The next day brought lashing rain.
  lash ball 0.66   However, he lashed the ball into the net.
  lash region 0.66   Torrential rains lashed the region, damaging crops and downing power lines.
  lash double 0.46   Two pitches later, Derek Jeter lashed a double.
  lash coast 0.39   The coast was lashed by savage storms.
  lash island 0.33   If Lisa hits, it would be the third typhoon this year to lash the island.
  lash portion 0.33   Another powerful storm will lash portions of the Pacific coast Tuesday.
  lash airport 0.26   At the time, the airport was being lashed by nighttime rains ahead of a typhoon.
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