larva be 2.17   The larva is unusual.
  larva eat 0.79   The larvae eat voraciously for about a month.
  larva hatch 0.66   The larvae hatch in January.
  larva feed 0.59   The larvae feed on the young shoots of water-lilies.
  larva bore 0.26   The larvae then bore into the seeds and develop.
  larva die 0.26   A study released in May by Cornell University said Monarch larvae died when they ate pollen from the Bt corn.
  larva emerge 0.26   The larvae emerge together in a huge mass.
  larva grow 0.26   The larvae grow by feeding on the flesh of living animals.
  larva kill 0.26   The larvae kill the pests by growing inside them.
  larva spin 0.26   Within three weeks, the larvae spin a cocoon, and five days later adults pop out.
  larva survive 0.26   On such surfaces larvae may survive for some weeks.
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