land be 43.19   And land is hardly a cure-all.
  land belong 4.81   The land belongs to the army!
  land have 2.57   Now the land had work.
  land remain 2.50   Still, the land remains the central issue.
  land become 2.24   Then slowly the land became black.
  land lie 1.45   Productive land lies fallow.
  land come 0.92   More land came later to help finance universities.
  land support 0.79   Yet the variety and abundance of wildlife the land supports is amazing.
  land fall 0.72   Both claimed the land fell in their territory, Khan said.
  land go 0.72   Succession happens when cleared land is let go.
  land grab 0.72   The company has been making a land grab for Internet tools.
  land include 0.66   The land includes a popular nature trail.
  land seem 0.66   The land seemed to howl with pain for days.
  land surround 0.59   That land would surround the stadium on three sides.
  land sustain 0.59   Can the land sustain it?
  land contain 0.53   The land contains travertine, a product used to whiten paper.
  land provide 0.53   And food the land provides is what binds people and the earth.
  land take 0.53   Our land will take such a rise,
  land will 0.53   Justika said the idle land would planted with rice, corn, and soybeans.
  land begin 0.46   But after a few harvests, the land began to play out.
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