lament lack 4.21   Liang laments the lack of accountability.
  lament loss 3.82   We lament their loss.
  lament fact 2.11   Sadly, they lamented the fact that they hardly knew them.
  lament absence 0.72   And Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, lamented the absence of prayer in classrooms.
  lament death 0.66   He lamented the death of the Soviet Union.
  lament decline 0.66   McNulty does not simply lament the decline of wild salmon runs.
  lament state 0.66   He laments the state of affairs in his former homeland.
  lament failure 0.59   Musharraf praised Vajpayee as a statesman and lamented their failure.
  lament passing 0.59   Few will lament its passing.
  lament change 0.53   But others lament the change.
  lament inability 0.46   Votaw lamented the inability to fill an open date on the tour calendar next month.
  lament way 0.46   In the next, she would lament the way that the news media glorify her profession.
  lament dearth 0.39   Simpson laments the dearth of respected Republicans who can claim national reputations.
  lament departure 0.39   Characters lament the departure of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
  lament fate 0.39   But women did not cower at home lamenting their fate, she said.
  lament plight 0.39   A group of men stood nearby, angry and sad and lamenting their plight.
  lament demise 0.33   High-energy physicists continue to lament the demise of the SSC.
  lament difficulty 0.33   Another lamented the difficulty in getting academics to contribute articles.
  lament end 0.33   She laments the end of this era.
  lament opportunity 0.33   New Zealand captain Stephen Fleming lamented missed opportunities.
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