lake be 11.65   The lake is.
  lake say 2.30   Lake said, warming to him instantly.
  lake have 1.45   Lake will now have his chance.
  lake become 0.66   When does a merely good lake become great?
  lake meet 0.66   Lake later met with South Korean President Kim Young-Sam.
  lake dry_up 0.46   The big Corps of Engineers lake has all but dried up.
  lake withdraw 0.46   Lake withdrew his nomination Monday.
  lake form 0.39   Lakes formed, up to hundreds of feet deep.
  lake freeze_over 0.39   The lake has frozen over.
  lake get 0.39   Lake gets his guidance from the Boston Red Sox.
  lake shrink 0.39   The lake will shrink, with some fish kill likely.
  lake come 0.33   Every hour, the lake is coming up half a foot.
  lake contain 0.33   The lake rarely contains water.
  lake fill 0.33   The lake filled to capacity this year for the first time in nine years.
  lake make 0.33   Lake made no statement.
  lake play 0.33   Lake played in pain last season, with a broken bone in his left foot.
  lake remain 0.33   The lake meanwhile has remained closed to the public, killing local business.
  lake rise 0.33   At one point last week the lake was rising six inches an hour.
  lake begin 0.26   As the lake began receding, a salt-encrusted spiral became visible.
  lake freeze 0.26   The lake had frozen overnight.
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