laboratory test 18.76   More laboratory tests were ordered.
  laboratory animal 7.44   PCBs have been linked to cancer in laboratory animals.
  laboratory experiment 5.86   Students will carry out simple laboratory experiments.
  laboratory study 5.66   A series of laboratory studies explored this result.
  laboratory mouse 3.49   Or the laboratory mice might be running the world.
  laboratory analysis 3.16   There is no laboratory analysis.
  laboratory work 2.83   Laboratory work progressed.
  laboratory technician 2.70   Mrs. Xhelo had been a laboratory technician.
  laboratory rat 2.57   Even laboratory rats eat something better than trail mix.
  laboratory equipment 2.50   It has an X-ray machine and some basic laboratory equipment.
  laboratory dish 2.30   Culture bacteria in laboratory dishes.
  laboratory result 2.11   He expected laboratory results on Monday.
  laboratory research 1.78   But as it is, bedside research must compete with laboratory research.
  laboratory official 1.58   Laboratory officials deny any systematic discrimination.
  laboratory module 1.51   New programs will include both tours and interactive laboratory research modules.
  laboratory worker 1.38   A laboratory worker was killed in the explosion, police said.
  laboratory space 1.32   The company is setting up laboratory space in Waltham.
  laboratory condition 1.25   This change has been timed under laboratory conditions.
  laboratory culture 1.25   But these cells would grow only briefly in laboratory cultures.
  laboratory technique 0.99   The creation of olympiadane was a tour de force of laboratory technique.
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